In March 2021, it was in the hot season and the time of forest fire risk which could be likely to approach the Shelters. COERR, therefore, organized fire prevention training and campaign for the community members throughout the month of March.
COERR Mae Hong Son organized Fire Prevention in many temporary shelters, conducted by the former fire prevention trainees in 2020. First aid and fire-fighting were demonstrated to Emergency Response Team members in Ban Mae Surin Temporary Shelters on 25-26 March and Firebreak Construction on 27 March. There were 180 participants of 61 females and 119 males in Ban Mae Surin and 779 participants of 358 females and 421 males in Ban Mai Nai Soi Temporary Shelter attending Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Training Course.
COERR Mae Sarieng organized two Trainings in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter, such as Disaster Risk Reduction Training for Emergency Response Team on 18 March for 49 participants consisting of 4 females and 45 males, and Fire Prevention Training and Drill on 19 March for 302 participants consisting of 150 females and 152 males.
COERR Mae Sot organized four Disaster Risk Reduction Trainings in Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter in Pop Phra District, Tak Province: On 9-10 March, there were 231 youth of 43 females and 188 males participating; on 11 March, there were 230, of 83 females and 147 males participating in Emergency Evacuation Drill; on 19-22 March, there were 240 participants of 75 females and 165 males joining the DRR Campaign Banners placing in public areas; during 31 March – 1 April, there were 35 Emergency Response Team Members of 27 females and 8 males, attending the Capacity Building Course by the Trainer Team.
Two Disaster Risk Reduction Training focusing on Fire Prevention were organized in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter in Umpang District, Tak Province: On 18-19 March, there were 55 participants including the Emergency Response Team. Between 29 March and 1 April, there were 210 youth and other groups, of 135 females and 75 males, attending the training course.
COERR Mae Sot in Coordination with Government and Non-Government Organizations organized Basic Fire Fighting and Evacuation Fire Drill Training for 400 participants, including Organization staff, Emergency Response Team and community members on 30 March. Then, there was an Awareness Raising and Campaign Activities on DRR on 31 March, in which 100 participants of 42 females and 58 males attended.
COERR Kanchanaburi provided Training of Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting in Ban Don Yang Temporary Shelter, Kanchanaburi Province on 25 March to 21 male participants. Additionally, fire fighting was organized in Ban Tham Hin Temporary Shelter in Ratchaburi Province on 16 March for 60 participants of 13 females and 47 males; and Fire Evacuation Drill on 26 March for 218 participants of 129 females and 89 males.
Training and Campaign on Fire Prevention and Firebreak Construction by COERR Mae Hong Son

DRR Training and Emergency Fire Drill in Ban Mae Lama Luang and Ban Mae La Oon Temporary Shelters Organized by COERR Mae Sarieng

COERR Mae Sot’s DRR activities in Ban Umpiem Temporary Shelter

DRR Training in Ban Nupo Temporary Shelter

Basic Fire Fighting and Evacuation Fire Drill Training in Ban Mae La Temporary Shelter

DRR Training in Ban Don Yang and Ban Tham Hin Organized by COERR Kanchanaburi
